Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Nose, Solo

On June 27th, I became the youngest person to rope solo The Nose on El Capitan in a single day. It took every ounce of willpower and psyche to complete the route. I began limping down the East Ledges descent in my climbing shoes 19 hours after I sunk my first hand jam into the first pitch. 

This is just a quick post, hang in there. The psyche for documenting my experiences is in hiatus. I still love writing, shooting photos, and editing videos, but I just needed a break from it all. 

Here is a pic by Tom Evans of me climbing up the boot flake on The Nose.

It's about 100 degrees here in the valley today. My girlfriend Jess and I are headed up to Tuolumne, where we'll wake up early to brew coffee for all the climbers in the morning. Living here has become routine, and it feels amazing to be in one of the most incredible places in the world.
